Hi, I'm Kevin

My parents moved to the suburbs of Tonawanda near Buffalo in the late 1960’s
at a time of racial tensions. My father worked at Pillsbury for over 30 years,
while my mother was a 3rd-grade school teacher for over 30 years. They have
been married over 60 years and still live in the same house. My parents encouraged us to get a college education. I have a sister and brother and all 3 of us graduated from college. My sister currently is a comptroller at a law firm in Buffalo and my brother is an elected county tax commissioner in Georgia.
I moved to Cedar Park in 1998, the only place we’ve lived in Texas. My involvement began with the Cedar Park Chamber of Commerce Leadership class, when I participated in the 2nd “EVER” class in 2001. I joined the city of Cedar Park Community Development (4B) board and served for about 12 years. In 2013, I joined the Planning and Zoning Commission and served about 9 years.
Whereas helping to shape the city from board participation, one gets the real sense of our community from supporting your children through school and their activities. I was a youth coach at the YMCA for a couple years, then helping on booster clubs in middle and high school. So many fond memories with kids and parents over the years with band, football, basketball, and track.
After working at Texas Guaranteed for over 16 years and retiring from the Army Reserve, I started my insurance agency 9 years ago. I started building my agency and joined the Cedar Park Chamber of Commerce. Business ownership is a different and challenging endeavor. The chamber relationships and involvement have been so helpful with ideas and support for the different roles of a business owner.